Wednesday, July 22, 2020

travell hub

Story continues Still, others will take the mask off for some socially distant glamor shots out in the ocean, but for most young women marking their quince, wearing a mask isn't too onerous, and will make their photos truly unlike any others. Video Transcript - Cuban girls celebrating their quinceanera are giving a whole new meaning to the social media hashtag, #coronabutmakeitfashion. The quinceanera, or quince, meaning 15th birthday celebration, is a rite of passage into womanhood throughout Latin America. - [SPEAKING SPANISH] - Girls in Havana are embracing this moment in history to make their photo shoots, normally a glamorous affair complete with hair, makeup, and custom gowns uniquely of the moment, while protecting themselves and others, says Sofia Valenzuela, who's turning 15. SOFIA VALENZUELA: [SPEAKING SPANISH] INTERPRETER: I designed my quince dress. And the mask was very important, because it marked an important stage in my life, which was the pandemic. It lasted three months, so I had to design my face masks to fit with my outfit and for all the colors to work. Apart from combining the colors, it was also for safety. - Cuba made face masks obligatory in public spaces early on in the outbreak and credits them with helping contain the spread of the coronavirus on the island. Some Cuban seamstresses have had to innovate with some fabric shops still closed, making it difficult to make the perfect matching face covering, like this checkered mask matching a checkered skirt. For a more urban look, a black mask with a pair of black pants. Photographer Manuel Padron who has been shooting quinceaneras for more than 10 years, says the masks contribute to the look as if it were part of the whole show. MANUEL PADRON: [SPEAKING SPANISH] travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub/ NTERPRETER: For young women, this contrast of the mask with the dress, the combination is striking. It is a fashion statement that I think will stay. They we're looking for a way to combine the color of the clothes with their masks. These young women are excited. And it catches your attention to see them with a mask in the photograph. They took selfies and added something that's part of the whole experience that is their quince photo. - Still, others will take their masks off for some socially distant glamour shots out in the ocean. But for most young women marking their quince, wearing a mask isn't too onerous. And it will make their photos truly unlike any others. travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub/ travell hub/ travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub/ travell hub/ travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub travell hub

House Approves Repeal of Trump's Travel Ban Decried as Anti-Muslim

The House on Wednesday voted to repeal the Trump administration’s travel ban and further restrict the president’s power to limit entry to the U.S., a symbolic victory for Muslim American and civil rights groups.
The bill, which passed the Democrat-controlled House 233-183, had initially been slated for action in March, before the coronavirus forced scheduling changes on Capitol Hill. The measure is unlikely to advance in the Republican-controlled Senate, where it has no GOP support. But the bill’s passage by the House still elated advocates who had long pushed for formal action against a travel ban that they see as discriminatory.
“This is a historic moment for Muslims,” Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, one of the groups working in support of the bill, said ahead of the vote.
Passage of the NO BAN act will “show Muslims, who have been banned and scapegoated by the Trump administration, that we deserve rights and dignity,” Khera added.
Among House Democrats who voted, all supported the bill, while two Republicans among those voting crossed the aisle to vote yes: Texas Rep. Will Hurd and Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick.
The White House noted its opposition to the bill in March, saying in a statement that undoing the travel ban “would harm the national security of the United States” and that the ban has been “central to the Administration’s ongoing efforts to safeguard the American people against the spread of COVID-19.”

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